This comprehensive six year, common code driven file, is vendor specific and it contains data for all the control jurisdictions and can be tailored to the record layout of your choice. The file provides distilled spirits and wine & vermouth brand information by state number, postal abbreviation, common code number, NABCA class and brand number, NABCA size number, NABCA vendor number, age, proof, state code, retail price, brand name, vendor name, 12 month year-to-date case sales compared with five prior years, class abbreviation, UPC vendor and brand information, FOB price and FOB effective date. The file is put on the NABCA FTP server and an email notification is sent out to individuals that the file is ready to be picked up from the NABCA FTP server. Upon request, individuals can ask for distilled spirits and/or wine & vermouth information. A control sheet providing year-to-date case sales for distilled spirits and/or wine & vermouths for the current year compared with five prior years per control jurisdiction is also emailed for verification purposes.

Member Price