Statistics for Alcohol Management (SAM) is a data warehouse that contains account level data by state for daily and monthly details about warehouse inventory activities. It contains a graphical, online analytical processing front end that delivers instant access to monthly account-level information and more than five years of historical sales data. Monthly sales are maintained at the SKU level by licensee and retail outlet. For more information, please contact David Jackson, Senior Vice President of Trade Relations, Chief Operations Officer (COO) at, 703-578-4200.
Read more about the NABCA Control State Datasets Overview
Statistical Reports
NABCA regularly publishes reports containing sales by brand, size, class and type of beverage alcohol. Reports span a granularity spectrum from sales by retail outlet and on-premise licensee to sales by Control Jurisdiction. Ad hoc reports, capable of displaying long-term analysis and comparisons, are prepared for individual users based upon their needs using the NABCA database. Because the Control States represent 25 percent of the distilled spirits market in the United States, comprehensive sales information generated in a timely and consistent manner can prove invaluable as a market research and analysis tool. Find more information about the various reports and costs.
Electronic Communication
The NABCA is a value-added network (VAN) for the Control States and their trading partners in the beverage alcohol industry. The NABCA has taken the necessary steps to provide Control States and suppliers with the services they need to transmit and receive business documents such as price quotations, daily bailment/inventory status reports and other text files.
Price Quotation Reporting System
The Price Quotation Reporting System (PQRS) is a dynamic web app that serves as a liaison between Control States and suppliers. Suppliers are able to manage products, submit monthly and quarterly FOB pricing, create files based on customizable filters and maintain all supplier contacts. Control States are able to view in real-time new and revised products, size extensions and FOB pricing. Control States have the ability to approve/reject new pricing directly in PQRS, thus streamlining the work-flow and creating a more “green” process. The Control States currently active in PQRS are: Alabama, Idaho, Maine and Montana – with more to come!
To request an account, click here.
To schedule a demo or learn how you can personally benefit from PQRS, please contact the Administrator.