COVID-19 and Alcohol Beverage Regulation

The National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) continues to work hard to provide its members and partners timely updates on state-level policy changes made through governor-issued executive orders that impact the regulation of the alcohol supply chain in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This webpage will be monitored and updated regularly as new information is available. This area of policy is changing rapidly. Please email if you have updates or questions.

Policy and Operational Changes

NABCA has created several interactive dashboards to help track these policy changes for on-premise operators, including restaurants and bars in addition to off-premise retail operators (e.g., liquor stores, grocery stores). You can also use the maps to filter your view within a dashboard by state. The data can be downloaded and extracted for further analysis.


NABCA has worked diligently to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and is intended for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered legal advice—and no relationship nor reliance interest should be assumed by its use. For state-specific guidance, NABCA recommends contacting the relevant state authorities or retaining private counsel


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NABCA's Communiqué on Tax and Trade Bureau Guidance

NABCA's General Counsel prepared a communiqué with information on COVID-19-related guidance for state ABC agencies regarding tax filing due dates, postponements, and considerations for agency operations. Read NABCA's communiqué here.

State ABC COVID-19 Resource Directory

Each state's alcohol regulatory agency has prepared guidance on regulatory changes and reopening policies for licensees. Find the list of state ABC COVID-19 resource pages here.


Below are links to agencies and organizations that have created resources to track federal and state policy changes to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, organized by category.