Starting today, businesses in Pennsylvania that sell alcohol will be able to sell canned cocktails like High Noon and Surfside, which were previously only able to be purchased at state-run liquor stores.
Nine Otago supermarkets have been temporarily banned from selling alcohol after advertising beer at an unlawful discount.
A bartender prepares a glass of beer at Bell in Hand. An amendment that would remove the state's happy hour ban was approved in July by the Massachusetts Senate.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment have appointed Antti Neimala to carry out a study on the possibilities to allow sales of wines with up to 15 per cent alcohol outside the Alko monopoly.
Signed by the Governor, H.B. 1380 seeks to allow a licensed brewpub to hold an additional on-premise or off-premise license as long as the licensee does not hold any other type of manufacturing license.
In January 2024, Unimpaired, the only dry bar in Iowa City, closed its doors for good after being in business for just over two years. Its failure was a stark contrast to the thriving downtown Iowa City nightlife scene surrounding it, where the streets are flooded with students all chasing the same thing: cheap, plentiful liquor.
On September 9th each year, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) recognizes International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day to raise awareness about the lifelong effects of FASD, and as a reminder that that there is no known safe amount of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
As the landscape of nightlife evolves, a new player is steadily gaining ground: sober bars. No longer confined to the fringes of the social scene, these venues are redefining what it means to go out, offering an alternative to the alcohol-driven bar experience.
Corkage fees - the charge applied to diners who bring their own wine - are rising as restaurants try to make a profit, industry experts have said.
Terms like "sober" and "alcohol-free" probably sound contradictory when they precede words "bar" or "club."