1. Solidarity or Self-Interest? Public Opinion in Relation to Alcohol Policies in Sweden
    Karlsson, D, Holmberg, S and Weibull, L. Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs. 37(2), 105-121.
    Date: 2020
  2. The Language of Subjective Alcohol Effects: Do Young Adults Vary in Their Feelings of Intoxication?
    Linden-Carmichael, AN, Allen, HK and Lanza, ST. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. .
    Date: 2020
  3. Is Burden of Disease Differentially Linked to Spirits? A Systematic Scoping Review and Implications for Alcohol Policy
    Rehm, J and Hasan, OS. Alcohol. 82, 1-10.
    Date: 2020
  4. Alcohol Control Policy and Changes in Alcohol‐Related Traffic Harm
    Rehm, J, Manthey, J, Lange, S, Badaras, R, Zurlyte, I, Passmore, J, Breda, J, Ferreira‐Borges, C and Štelemėkas, M. Addiction. 115(4), 655-665.
    Date: 2020
  5. The Monopoly Option: Obsolescent or a “Best Buy” in Alcohol and Other Drug Control?
    Room, R. The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs. 34(2), 215-232.
    Date: 2020
  6. Intake of Common Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Breast Cancer Risk among Japanese Women: Findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
    Sinnadurai, S, Okabayashi, S, Kawamura, T, Mori, M, Bhoo-Pathy, N, Taib, NA, Ukawa, S, Tamakoshi, A and Group, JS. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP. 21(6), 1701.
    Date: 2020
  7. How Did a Lower Drink‐Drive Limit Affect Bar Trade and Drinking Practices? A Qualitative Study of How Alcohol Retailers Experienced a Change in Policy
    Sumpter, C, Mohan, A, McKell, J, Lewsey, J, Emslie, C and Fitzgerald, N. Drug and alcohol review. 39(2), 170-179.
    Date: 2020
  8. Alcohol Consumption by Beverage Type and Risk of Breast Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
    Sun, Q, Xie, W, Wang, Y, Chong, F, Song, M, Li, T, Xu, L and Song, C. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 55(3), 246-253.
    Date: 2020
  9. Association between State‐Level Alcohol Availability and Taxation Policies on the Prevalence of Alcohol‐Related Harms to Persons Other Than the Drinker in the USA, 2000–2015
    Trangenstein, PJ, Subbaraman, MS, Greenfield, TK, Mulia, N, Kerr, WC and Karriker‐Jaffe, KJ. Drug and alcohol review. 39(3), 255-266.
    Date: 2020
  10. Baseline Assessment of Alcohol-Related Knowledge of and Support for Alcohol Warning Labels among Alcohol Consumers in Northern Canada and Associations with Key Sociodemographic Characteristics
    Vallance, K, Stockwell, T, Zhao, J, Shokar, S, Schoueri-Mychasiw, N, Hammond, D, Greenfield, TK, McGavock, J, Weerasinghe, A and Hobin, E. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 81(2), 238-248.
    Date: 2020
  11. Improving Knowledge That Alcohol Can Cause Cancer Is Associated with Consumer Support for Alcohol Policies: Findings from a Real-World Alcohol Labelling Study
    Weerasinghe, A, Schoueri-Mychasiw, N, Vallance, K, Stockwell, T, Hammond, D, McGavock, J, Greenfield, TK, Paradis, C and Hobin, E. International journal of environmental research and public health. 17(2), 398.
    Date: 2020
  12. The Composition and Magnitude of Alcohol Taxes in States: Do They Cover Alcohol-Related Costs?
    Blanchette, JG, Chaloupka, FJ and Naimi, TS. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 80(4), 408-414.
    Date: 2019
  13. How Full Is Your Glass? Portion Sizes of Wine, Fortified Wine and Straight Spirits at Home in the Netherlands
    de Beukelaar, MF, Janse, ML, Sierksma, A, Feskens, EJ and de Vries, JH. Public health nutrition. 22(10), 1727-1734.
    Date: 2019
  14. Youth Consumption of Alcohol Mixed with Energy Drinks in Canada: Assessing the Role of Energy Drinks
    Doggett, A, Qian, W, Cole, AG and Leatherdale, ST. Preventive medicine reports. 14, 100865.
    Date: 2019
  15. Approaches for Reducing Alcohol-Impaired Driving: Evidence-Based Legislation, Law Enforcement Strategies, Sanctions, and Alcohol-Control Policies
    Fell, J. Forensic Sci Rev. 31(2), 161-184.
    Date: 2019
  16. How Attitudes toward Alcohol Policies Differ across European Countries: Evidence from the Standardized European Alcohol Survey (Seas)
    Kilian, C, Manthey, J, Moskalewicz, J, Sieroslawski, J and Rehm, J. International journal of environmental research and public health. 16(22), 4461.
    Date: 2019
  17. Consumption Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment: Consideration of Standard Drink Misestimation
    Kirouac, M, Kruger, E, Wilson, AD, Hallgren, KA and Witkiewitz, K. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. 45(5), 451-459.
    Date: 2019
  18. New Estimates of the Mean Ethanol Content of Beer, Wine, and Spirits Sold in the United States Show a Greater Increase in Per Capita Alcohol Consumption Than Previous Estimates
    Martinez, P, Kerr, WC, Subbaraman, MS and Roberts, SC. Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research. 43(3), 509-521.
    Date: 2019
  19. Does It Matter What We Drink? Beverage Type Preference Predicts Specific Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences among College Students
    Mochrie, KD, Ellis, JE and Whited, MC. Substance use & misuse. 54(6), 899-907.
    Date: 2019
  20. Associations between Alcohol Policies and Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Pooled Analysis of Gshs and Espad Data
    Noel, JK. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 54(6), 639-646.
    Date: 2019