Legal Resources

The legal resources listed are not exhaustive, but are active organizations providing legal research, reports and expertise on beverage alcohol laws for stakeholders interested in beverage alcohol law and policy throughout the United States.

NABCA's Annual Symposium on Alcohol Beverage Law and Regulation

Since 1993, NABCA has been holding its Annual Legal Symposium which provides attorneys or those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of beverage alcohol law an opportunity to listen, learn and network with alcohol policy, regulatory and legal experts. CLE credits are available.

Alcohol Law Review

The Alcohol Law Review is a discussion board that allows users to gather information quickly and easily about many of the most pertinent developments in alcohol regulation and litigation. This site is intended to facilitate dialogue about current alcohol law cases, legal challenges and issues around the U.S. It is moderated by NBWA Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs and General Counsel Paul Pisano and features occasional guest columns from experts in alcohol law.

National Association of Attorneys General

The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) supports state and territory attorneys general in addressing ongoing challenges related to substance use. Some of these challenges include insufficient access to effective overdose prevention and substance use treatment services among impacted communities. To support the attorney general community in these efforts, NAAG conducts relevant policy analysis, research, and training. See NAAG Substance Use Committee Resources and letters on alcohol.

Center for Alcohol Policy

The Center for Alcohol Policy (CAP) seeks to educate policymakers, regulators and the public about alcohol, its uniqueness and its regulation. By conducting sound research and implementing initiatives that will maintain the appropriate state-based regulation of alcohol, the CAP promotes safe and responsible consumption of alcohol, fights underage drinking and drunk driving and informs key stakeholders and the public about the effects of alcohol consumption.

ChangeLab Solutions

ChangeLab Solutions works across the nation to advance equitable laws and policies that ensure healthy lives for all. The organization prioritizes communities whose residents are at highest risk for poor health. Its interdisciplinary team of lawyers, planners, policy analysts and more works with neighborhoods, cities and states to create thriving communities. Learn more about ChangeLab Solutions and its alcohol resources.

The Network for Public Health Law

Public health laws are critical because they can dramatically improve the health of a population, and in a relatively short period of time. But knowing how to enforce, implement or change a law is complex and time-consuming and requires specialized expertise. The Network for Public Health Law (Network) provides that assistance, along with resources and training to public health officials, practitioners, advocates and attorneys so that they can make full use of the law as a tool to improve health outcomes. Organizations and individuals committed to improving public health can join the Network at no cost.

Legal Experts

For inquiries regarding legal experts, please contact

The legal resources listed are not exhaustive, but are active organizations providing legal research, reports and expertise on beverage alcohol laws for stakeholders interested in beverage alcohol law and policy throughout the United States.

NABCA's Annual Symposium on Alcohol Beverage Law and Regulation

Since 1993, NABCA has been holding its Annual Legal Symposium which provides attorneys or those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of beverage alcohol law an opportunity to listen, learn and network with alcohol policy, regulatory and legal experts. CLE credits are available.

Alcohol Law Review

The Alcohol Law Review is a discussion board that allows users to gather information quickly and easily about many of the most pertinent developments in alcohol regulation and litigation. This site is intended to facilitate dialogue about current alcohol law cases, legal challenges and issues around the U.S. It is moderated by NBWA Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs and General Counsel Paul Pisano and features occasional guest columns from experts in alcohol law.

National Association of Attorneys General

The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) supports state and territory attorneys general in addressing ongoing challenges related to substance use. Some of these challenges include insufficient access to effective overdose prevention and substance use treatment services among impacted communities. To support the attorney general community in these efforts, NAAG conducts relevant policy analysis, research, and training. See NAAG Substance Use Committee Resources and letters on alcohol.

Center for Alcohol Policy

The Center for Alcohol Policy (CAP) seeks to educate policymakers, regulators and the public about alcohol, its uniqueness and its regulation. By conducting sound research and implementing initiatives that will maintain the appropriate state-based regulation of alcohol, the CAP promotes safe and responsible consumption of alcohol, fights underage drinking and drunk driving and informs key stakeholders and the public about the effects of alcohol consumption.

ChangeLab Solutions

ChangeLab Solutions works across the nation to advance equitable laws and policies that ensure healthy lives for all. The organization prioritizes communities whose residents are at highest risk for poor health. Its interdisciplinary team of lawyers, planners, policy analysts and more works with neighborhoods, cities and states to create thriving communities. Learn more about ChangeLab Solutions and its alcohol resources.

The Network for Public Health Law

Public health laws are critical because they can dramatically improve the health of a population, and in a relatively short period of time. But knowing how to enforce, implement or change a law is complex and time-consuming and requires specialized expertise. The Network for Public Health Law (Network) provides that assistance, along with resources and training to public health officials, practitioners, advocates and attorneys so that they can make full use of the law as a tool to improve health outcomes. Organizations and individuals committed to improving public health can join the Network at no cost.

Legal Experts

For inquiries regarding legal experts, please contact