Alcohol Control Policies and Public Opinion
There is a complex relationship between alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harms and public opinion on control measures. Public opinion provides some legitimacy for alcohol control policies and favorable or opposing opinions may either help to sustain policies or lead to them being rescinded. The United States shifted from primarily federal-based alcohol regulation to state-based regulation after the repeal of Federal Prohibition in 1933. Following that historic event, alcohol policies became a reflection of each state’s distinctive culture and characteristics. Yet, there is some evidence to suggest that support or opposition to alcohol policies appears to have been based on a misunderstanding of their impacts, resulting in some people changing their opinions after experiencing the policy change.
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Media Influence on Alcohol- Control Policy Support in the United States Adult Population: The Intervening Role of Issue Concern and Risk JudgmentsSlater MD, Lawrence F, Comello MLG. Journal of Health and Communication. 14(3), 262-275.Date: 2009 (archived)
[Editorial, Introducing Special Edition] Alcohol Policies and Public Opinion: Five Case Studies on Recent Developments in Europe and North AmericaGiesbrecht N. Journal of Substance Use. 12(6): 385-388.Date: 2007 (archived)
Views of Alcohol Control Policies in the 2000 National Alcohol Survey: What News for Alcohol Policy Development in the United States and Its States?Greenfield TK, Ye Y, Giesbrecht NA. Journal of Substance Use. 12(6), 429-445.Date: 2007 (archived)
The Influence of EU on Alcohol Policy in a Non-EU CountryNordlund S. Journal of Substance Use. 12(6), 405-418.Date: 2007 (archived)
Public Opinion on Alcohol Policy: A Review of United States ResearchGreenfield TK, Johnson SP, Giesbrecht NA. Contemporary Drug Problems. 31(Winter), 759-790.Date: 2004 (archived)
Public Opinion on Alcohol Policies in the United States: Results from a National SurveyWagenaar AC, Harwood HJ, Toomey TL, Denk CE, Zander KM. Journal of Public Health Policy. 21(3), 303-327.Date: 2000 (archived)
Public Opinions on Alcohol Policy Issues: A Comparison of American and Canadian SurveysGiesbrecht N, Greenfield TK. Addiction. 94(4), 521-531.Date: 1999 (archived)
Public Opinion on Social Problems: A Survey Around the Baltic SeaMoskalewicz Jand Tigerstedt Ceds . Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research (Nad Publication No. 36). .Date: 1998 (archived)
Trends in Public Opinion About Alcohol Policy Initiatives in Ontario and the United States: 1989-91Room R, Graves K, Giesbrecht N, Greenfield TK. Drug and Alcohol Review. 14, 35-47.Date: 1995 (archived)
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Political Parties, Public Opinion, and State Policy in the United StatesErikson RS, Wright GC, McIver JP. American Political Science Review. 83(3), 729-749.Date: 1989 (archived)