Balance Consumer Interests and Health and Safety Considerations

Identifying and applying best policy practices helps balance competing interests of industry, public health, government and consumers; however, determining the optimal set of policies for a specific jurisdiction is complicated. Governments must assess the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of policies to minimize, and potentially through taxation, mitigate the cost of alcohol-related social and health harms while also ensuring low-risk drinkers have fair and equitable access to alcohol.

Evidence for the Effectiveness of Minimum Pricing of Alcohol: A Systematic Review and Assessment Using the Bradford Hill Criteria for Causality

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  1. State Pre-Emption, Local Control, and Alcohol Retail Outlet Density Regulation
    Mosher JF, Treffers RD. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 44(4), 399-405.
    Date: 2013 (archived)
  2. Effectiveness and Cost- Effectiveness of Policies and Programs to Reduce the Harm Caused by Alcohol
    Anderson P, Chisholm D, Fuhr DC. The Lancet. 373(9682), 2234-2246.
    Date: 2009 (archived)
  3. Global Burden of Disease and Injury and Economic Cost Attributable to Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Use Disorders
    Rehm J, Mathers C, Popova S, Thavorncharoensap M, Teerawattananon Y, Patra J. The Lancet. 373(9682), 2223-2233.
    Date: 2009 (archived)
  4. Policy Implications of the Widespread Practice of ‘Pre-Drinking’ or ‘Pre-Gaming’ Before Going to Public Drinking Establishments: Are Current Prevention Strategies Backfiring?
    Wells S, Graham K, Purcell J. Addiction. 104(1), 4-9.
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  5. Avoidable Cost of Alcohol Abuse in Canada 2002: Highlights
    Rehm J, Gnam WH, Popova S, Patra J, Sarnocinska-Hart A. Ontario: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto. .
    Date: 2008 (archived)
  6. Comparative Analysis of Alcohol Control Policies in 30 Countries
    Brand DA, Saisana M, Rynn LA, Pennoni F, Lowenfels AB. PLoS Medicine. 4(4), 0752-0759.
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  7. Paying the Tab: The Costs and Benefits of Alcohol Control
    Cook PJ. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. .
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  8. Reducing Alcohol-Related Damage in Populations: Rethinking the Roles of Education and Persuasion Interventions
    Giesbrecht N. Addiction. 102(9), 1345-1349.
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  9. Alcohol, Gender, Culture and Harms in the Americas PAHO Multicentric Study Final Report
    Taylor B, Rehm J, Aburto JTC, Bejarano J, Cayetano C, Kerr-Correa F, Ferrand MP, Gmel G, Graham K, Greenfield TK, Laranjeira R, Lima MC, Magri R, Monteiro M, Mora MEM, Munne M, Romero MP, Tucchi A, Wilsnack S. Washington: Pan American Health Organization. .
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  10. Alcohol Policies: Is there a Future for Public Health Considerations in a Commerce-Oriented Environment?
    Giesbrecht NA, Room R, Demers A, Lindquist E, Ogborne A, Bondy S, . Montreal, Quebec, Canada: McGill–Queen’s University Press. .
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  11. Patterns of Drinking and Mortality from Different Diseases – An Overview
    Rehm J, Greenfield TK, Kerr WC. Contemporary Drug Problems. 33(2), 205-235.
    Date: 2006 (archived)
  12. The State Sets the Rate: The Relationship Among State-Specific College Binge Drinking, State Binge Drinking Rates, and Selected State Alcohol Control Policies
    Nelson TF, Naimi TS, Brewer RD, Wechsler H. The American Journal of Public Health. 95(3), 441-446.
    Date: 2005 (archived)
  13. Alcohol Consumption and Burden of Disease in the Americas – Implications for Alcohol Policy
    Rehm J, Monteiro M. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica. 18(4/5), 241-248.
    Date: 2005 (archived)
  14. Recommendations for New Directions in the Prevention of Risky Substance Use and Related Harms
    Stockwell T Gruenewald P Toubourou J, Loxley W. Preventing Harmful Substance Use: The Evidence Base for Policy and Practice. Chichester. UK: Wiley.
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  15. A Study of the Alcohol Policy Development Process in the United States: Theory, Goals, and Methods
    Greenfield TK, Giesbrecht NA, Kaskutas LA, Johnson S, Kavanagh L, Anglin L. Contemporary Drug Problems. 31(Winter), 591-626.
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  16. The Role of Research in the Development of United States Federal Alcohol Control Policy
    Johnson S, Greenfield TK, Giesbrecht N, Kaskutas LA, Anglin L. Contemporary Drug Problems. 31(Winter), 737-758.
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  17. Testing New Models in Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish Alcohol Policies
    Karlsson T Tigerstedt C. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 21, 79-91.
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  18. Effective and Cost-Effective Measures to Reduce Alcohol Misuse in Scotland: An Update
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  19. Alcohol Use
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  20. Association of Alcohol-Related Laws with Deaths Due to Motor Vehicle and Motorcycle Crashes in the United States, 1980-1997
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