
Alcohol use has significant social and economic costs measured by premature deaths, poor quality of life, disability-adjusted life years, lost earnings and productivity and the burden placed on health care, enforcement and the criminal justice system. These costs, when assigned a dollar value, far exceed revenue generated from alcohol taxes and sales, and provide a clearer understanding of alcohol’s burden on society as a whole. 

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  2. Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Health Care Costs in an HMO
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  3. Two Methods of Estimating Health Costs Linked to Alcoholism in France (With a Note on Social Costs)
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  7. Social Costs of Alcohol
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  8. The External Costs of Alcohol Abuse
    Heien DM, Pittman DJ. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 54(3), 302-307.
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  9. The Social Cost of Alcohol Abuse in Japan
    Nakamura K, Tanaka A, Takano T. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 54(Special Supplement), 618-625.
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  10. The Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Dependence: 1990
    Rice DP. Alcohol Health and Research World. 17(1), 10-11.
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  11. Estimates of Economic Costs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Illness, 1985 and 1988
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